
Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Autism - Learning More About Neurodiversity

Interested in learning more about autism? Wondering about symptoms, how a diagnosis is made and what supports may be available? Please see the resources below. - Autism Navigator provides resources, webinars/learning and a virtual community for those interested in learning more about early detection and support for children diagnosed with autism. is a video based resource that helps caregivers better understand the diagnosis, therapy options and experience living with autism.

Resource Directory RUSH offers a local resource directory for individuals diagnosed with autism. Looking for a dentist, summer camp or a supportive place to get your child's hair cut? Check out these recommendations!

Chicago Autism Network provides virtual workshops for caregivers around important topics such as encouraging social engagement, school advocacy and navigating insurance benefits.

First 100 Days After Diagnosis Tool Kit  Autism Speaks believes knowledge is power, particularly in the days after an autism diagnosis. The Autism Speaks 100 Day Kit helps families of children ages four and under make the best possible use of the 100 days following the diagnosis.

Support through our office is also available! Iwona Parkel, our Parent Liaison is available to talk one on one should you be interested, Please don't hesitate to connect.

Early Education Opportunities in Chicago

Chicago Early Learning   Chicago Early Learning offers plenty of great programs to support families and make early education avail...